History, tradition and territory

The Salsiccia di Calabria PDO is one of the most traditional products of Calabria and its origin is very old and linked to the family processing of pork. In the past, the Calabrian cold cuts were flavored with local wild plants, such as garlic, much less with pepper. After its discovery, the American pepper, or chilli pepper, was used in the production of local salami, such as the Salciccia di Calabria PDO. As Regulation says, the Salsiccia di Calabria must be obtained from the processing of pig meat born in the Calabrian territory or coming from the Basilicata, Sicily, Puglia, and Campania regions, provided that within the 4th month they are transferred to Calabria, and then slaughtered and processed in the same territory.


The paste is made of pork meats from the picnic shoulder and the part under the ribs, and it’s dressed with black pepper, chilli pepper, pepper cream, wine and fennel seeds. This mixture is put in natural pork casings which are then pierced and braided manually in the typical “chain” shape. It usually has a 30 days seasoning.


It has a more or less intense aroma, equal to the flavour. When cut, it has a medium grinding texture with well-distributed fat; it’s naturally red, sometimes vibrant depending on black or red pepper use. You eat it au naturel alone or in several recipes.

Interesting facts

Calabrian passion for red hot chilli peppers is famous. Maybe some people didn’t know in 1912 the chemist Wilbur Scoville invented a method to measure how much is a chilli pepper hot: “the Scoville Scale.” The degrees are based on the ratio of dilution in water needed to let the analysed pepper lose its spiciness. Calabrian PDO cold cuts are usually classified in Scoville Scale as “pleasingly spicy”.


Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO), recognized under Reg. ne Reg.to CE n. 134 of 20.01.1998 GUCE L.15 of 21.01.1998