History, tradition and territory

A manuscript of 1570 mentions the distribution of the product by the Monastery of Sant’Orso in Valle d’Aosta. On the occasion of the first inventory of the Castle of Arnad in 1763, there were listed 4 “doils” of lard, the particular boxes of chestnut wood used for the maturation and the conservation of the lard. Its production is limited to the municipality of Arnad, with pigs from Valle d’Aosta, Veneto, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Piedmont.


The Lard d’Arnad (Val D’Aosta) PDO is obtained from the pork shoulder. The weigh is not less than 160 Kg and the age not less than 9 months old. Pigs eat chestnuts, vegetables, flour, and whey.

After being degreased, the piece of lard is deposited in the “doils” and covered with salt, natural aromas, spices and mountain herbs where it is left to mature for about 3 months.


It has a uniform rose color, without stains and streaks, with hard fat, compact and elastic. The flavor depends on the nutrition of the pigs. Served in thin slices, sometimes flavored with ground pepper, chestnuts, polenta and toasted bread. Very tasty with honey and mustard.

Interesting facts

Pork lard was the primary source of fat (in a region where the olive tree was lacking), and together with the cheese, it was a filling nutrition to climb the mountains. Since 1970, every last Sunday in August, there is the Lardo Festival.


Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) recognized under Reg. ne EU Reg.to CE n. 1263 of 01.07.1996 GUCE L.163 of 02.07.1996.